Asialink Leaders Program 2021 information session – Melbourne


State Library Victoria
Seminar Room One
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000


Asia is critical to Australia’s recovery. Now is the time to intensify, rather than pause engagement and the pursuit of long-term opportunities. We recognise that organisations now, perhaps more than ever, are looking for expert advice and guidance in relation to engagement with Asia.

With over 25 years of history, the Asialink Leaders Program is the flagship program for developing Asia capability in Australia. It offers a transformational experience for emerging and established leaders. The program equips you with the insights, capabilities and connections to navigate complex foreign policy, business, cultural, political, ethical and regulatory environments in Asia, positioning you and your organisation for success with the region.

Learn how the Leaders Program will help you to build critical Asia capabilities and networks to meet the increasing demand for effective Asia engagement, understand the application process and hear about past participants via our upcoming information sessions.

With recruitment now open for the 2021 program, you are invited to join Mukund Narayanamurti, CEO, Asialink Business in our online information session. Joining him will be some of our prestigious Asialink Leaders Program Alumni.

Speakers to be advised.

In 2021 the Asialink Leaders Program will be held in locations including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. Locations to be determined based upon levels of interest as well as COVID-19 restrictions.

Visit the Asialink Business site for more details.

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