Leading excellence in learning
Leading Excellence in Learning is specifically designed for educators in India. The course will provide those responsible for leading learning in schools with insights from internationally recognised experts at the University of Melbourne.

AU$1,500 per participant (INR 84,000), for prior payment
About the course
In this course, educators will have the unique opportunity to gain access to world-leading thinkers on education. Exposed to cutting-edge ideas and dynamic methods, educators will be inspired to practice new approaches in leading learner-centred, equitable and future-focused schools and classrooms. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to nurture the creative potential of each student, empowering young people to embark on a lifetime of learning.
Course contents and experts will be drawn from the Faculty of Education at the University of Melbourne – Australia’s leading university, ranked 12th best in the world for education studies. University of Melbourne experts are ambitious and creative, educating program participants to be change-leaders in the making and shaping the future of education for the benefit of all.
Course brochure
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