Dely Roy Nalo

Dely Roy Nalo

Dely Roy Nalo has been supporting kastom as a means to encourage respect in youth-led initiatives, involving arts. From 2011 to 2015 she founded and led a grassroots movement in Vanuatu called TEKS, to revive and maintain biocultural knowledge and practices in rural communities through projects support and co-producing creative multimedia content.

Activities she supported include: creative arts workshops for children, water music touring in Australia and Borneo, the creation of a DVD on water music, research on traditional music instruments, the Singaot Musik Kamp involving musicians from Europe and the Pacific, and support of festivals in outer Vanuatu islands such as Gaua, Santo and Ambrym. TEKS supported a range of traditional wisdom practices such as dances, music, songs, stories, carving, weaving, painting, drawing, and fabric art.

In 2018 Dely created LOKOL EYES to continue pursuing her vision for endeavours that give back to communities.