Reports & Submissions


Following the All a Part: APT10 Professional Engagement Series of Forums, Asialink Arts Commissioned emerging writer Caitlin Hughes to reflect upon and summarise the key themes of each forum. The series of writings released iteratively and finally as downloadable documents, re-captures and frames the discussions between artists, curators and interlocutors. We hope this will propel conversations for the development of the next Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art and stimulate discussion on these important issues that are always evolving.

2022 National Cultural Policy Submission

In March and April 2022, Asialink Arts collaborated with the Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA), Griffith Asia Institute and WestSpace Arts to convene a series of three professional development forums on Zoom titled All a Part. All a Part coincided with the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial exhibition in Brisbane (APT10) at QAGOMA, which took place from December 2021 to April 2022. Curators, writers, academic inter- locutors and artists took part in the forums; fostering a dynamic discussion on the key issues and currents that are influencing contemporary art practice today. Twenty bursa- ry recipients from emerging arts backgrounds took part in these workshops, funded as a joint initiative between WestSpace Arts and Asialink Arts.

520 Melbourne Report

520 meaning ‘I love you (我爱你)’ in Chinese online slang, the 520 Melbourne Report presents data and insights into Chinese-speaking international students in Melbourne to support arts and cultural sector engagement, including a Chinese language social media explainer.

Find out more here

Public Displays of Affection (PDA) Conference Report

With the circulation of this report, we invite stakeholders to share their experiences, reflections and perspectives on issues raised. We welcome partnerships in gathering and documenting experiences and building a case for future investment that might prioritise organic, generous and experimental approaches.